There were so many books I read in 2009 that I never got a chance to post about here. Many of them were fabulous reads so as I get the chance I'm going to try to post about them.
In the meanwhile, here's the latest book I'm reading:
This book was a Christmas gift from some friends and I'm really enjoying it so far. I know Sarah Palin is a polarizing figure - you either love her or hate her. Personally, I'm a big fan. Afterall, I don't hide the fact that I'm a conservative Republican. Her book is proving to be a great read and I look forward to learning even more about Sarah and her strong desire to serve our great country.
The next book I want to read is one I heard about on a friend's Facebook page:
Unfortunately our county library system doesn't carry this book (maybe it has something to do with the fact that there are few Christians in the area where we live) so I'm going to have to order it here
. The subtitle of this book is: "Have we tamed the Son of God to Fit our Lifestyle". I think it will be an interesting discourse on Christianity in America and how we seem to have removed ourselves from the fact that many Christians throughout history the worldover have faced serious persecution for their faith and in America we tend to think if we're a follower of Christ our lives should be filled with only good things.
It struck me last night driving home how much of a blessing it is to live in America. At any moment, that blessing can be taken from us whether it be via politicians who put things into law with which we disagree or war or who knows what. The important thing is to remember God has blessed us as Americans in an immense way and we are to be incredibly grateful for that. At the same time we need to remember "to whom much has been given, much will be required." (Luke 12:48)
P.S. If you want to order any of these books to read yourself, click on the desired image.
My mother asked me to preorder the Palin book from Amazon back in October. She and my dad have read it, and I've just about finished. I LOVED it! I told someone the other day I don't think I could ever live out of the South because as a teacher, I could not go along with the evolution-anything-goes brand of education that has swept most other places. A kid here would NEVER get in trouble for reading the Bible or praying over his lunch, for instance. My assistant principal even asked us if he could pray before a parent conference last month; the parent even said yes.