Esther 4:14b

"...and who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this."

Friday, August 20, 2010

An Update on Sonja

I wrote about my friend, Sonja, and her battle with cancer here. She is still bravely fighting and leaning on our Lord and Savior.

Unfortunately, I still haven’t seen her since she moved from the East Coast a few years ago because each time hubby & I are in town working on the house, she either was recovering from surgery and I was sick and couldn’t be around her or she was out of town. However, I did get the most recent update this past Wednesday and wanted to share for those of you who may be praying for her.

She has gone through the chemo treatment and unfortunately, it did not work. She also had radiation treatment that had no effect either. About a month and a half ago she had a mastectomy. This next week she goes in for a complete hysterectomy because they discovered a lump in her uterus. In addition, they learned that the cancer has eaten a hole through her spine causing it to collapse and putting her at risk for paralysis from a simple trip or fall.

But, through it all, she remains POSITIVE and strong in her faith in GOD. They’re still giving her 3-5% chance of living another couple years. Her daughter has started her senior year of high school and is the Senior Editor of her yearbook and the President of the Christian club at her school so I was happy to hear how she’s doing.

In addition for continued prayer for healing for Sonja and wisdom for the doctors as they treat her cancer, she is desperately in need of prayer for her marriage.

She recently discovered some things that have been occurring for all but the first 5 months of her marriage and there are other much more serious spousal issues (that make me so livid) I can’t disclose here, but she feels like she’s between a rock and a hard place because she depends on her husband’s insurance for her cancer treatment. She is an Air Force veteran so that’s a possibility, but all these are decisions she shouldn’t even have to be considering at this point. Without being able to reveal anything more, please just pray for comfort, guidance, encouragement, etc as she makes some tough decisions over the next couple weeks.

I’ll keep you updated as I know more.

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